ALGIDA FB PAGE ITALY-- Important to have a look at competition well done Lidel!

Algida e il caso Winner Taco su Facebook: i prosumer al potere!

Its long time that I wanted to enter into social media, but there are many cases in the net already. But since its quite some time I don't write now and were taking about this in the coffee this morning (grazie Gaia)... Just let the article self-explain but it is in Italian, so will just translate a bit the story.

Algida (Unilever) Italy, make a contest on its FB page to understand which is the product consumers would like them to relaunch. Winner was by far Winner Taco. Algida decided not to listen to its fans and launch another product. Fans only mention the name of Winner Taco in each post. And not only this, they are being creative to shout to the brand to give back their favorite Ice cream.

But this is not all, Lidel, the Germany Food retailer has took the oportunity and included in their portfolio for this summer a private label copy of winner Taco. Sales are going up with them! and fb users are even asking Algida to contact the producer of Lidel if the problem with them is production

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