promo activia: activate your frigo

New promotion from danone in spain. You need to register into an app and your frigo can be visited by their sales force. If they find activia yoghurt in your frigo you'll win a prize. So,you better have the them at home everyday!!Great

Sun cream in south italy

Is a bit that i have not add any post but many things happened in last month chnged residence, married new job... but lukely i had still some time to travel and get new inspiration.
Last was during our sumer vacation, that this year has been really short, in Sicilly.
I did not took with me sun cream from Spain since I managed to take only hand bagage with me (1week in summertime, easy!). I'll take it whrn i arrive in the island there will be meany in a beach and summer place-i thought. And there were actually, first supermarket we stoped, i looked after the cream, big displays from Nivea and Bilboa were close to the check out, good job for the barnd managers of the barndm perfect situation, eyecatching on the impus purchase area, in supermarkets close to the beach!
Then the surprise came  when i looked at it closely, strange all of them are 4, 10, max 15 factor!!! And rest of it only refrshing creams and oils.
Here was one thing i did not count on when doing my bag, people in the south dont nees same protection than us. Their skins are less sensitjve to sun burns since they have much more exposure to the sun.
So, bm of sun cream companies: tourist go to this area wich see and barroc architecture is more than spectaculsr a(and more on 15 Agust week) so there is business opportunity there!!!

CAMPOFRIO HAZTE EXTRANJERO, emotional and relevant for target comunication

Spot from Campofrio, a Spanish brand that makes cold cuts. Launched two weeks before Christmas, very emotional and relevant topic for target.

130.000 views in youtube in the first 3 days!

HEINZ and McDonalds breack relations after 40years

Reuters) - World's biggest fast-food chain seeks new ketchup for its famous french fries.
McDonald's Corp (MCD.N) on Friday said it plans to end its 40-year relationship with ketchup maker H.J. Heinz Co, since that company is now led by Bernardo Hees, the former chief executive of hamburger rival Burger King Worldwide Inc (BKW.N).
"As a result of recent management changes at Heinz, we have decided to transition our business to other suppliers over time," McDonald's said in a statement.
"We have spoken to Heinz and plan to work together to ensure a smooth and orderly transition," said McDonald's, which has more than 34,000 restaurants around the globe.
Heinz declined to comment. "As a matter of policy, Heinz does not comment on relationships with customers," company spokesman Michael Mullen said.
The switch will be more apparent overseas than in the United States, as McDonald's only serves Heinz ketchup in two domestic markets - Pittsburgh and Minneapolis, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported on Friday.
Indeed, ketchup packages handed out at McDonald's restaurants in the United States often say only "fancy ketchup." Most in-store ketchup dispensers are not branded.
The move from McDonald's could benefit Heinz ketchup rivals Hunt's, owned by ConAgra Foods Inc (CAG.N), and Del Monte.
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and an investment fund affiliated with 3G Capital bought Heinz for $28 billion in June and immediately named Hees CEO.
Burger King went public in June 2012, less than two years after it was taken private by 3G Capital Management LLC, which retains a stake in the fast-food chain.
Burger King has been a Heinz customer for "decades" and uses its products in roughly 80 percent of markets around the world, spokesman Miguel Piedra told Reuters.
(Reporting by Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Alina Selyukh in Washington, D.C.; Editing by Leslie Adler)
Reuters) - World's biggest fast-food chain seeks new ketchup for its famous french fries.
McDonald's Corp (MCD.N) on Friday said it plans to end its 40-year relationship with ketchup maker H.J. Heinz Co, since that company is now led by Bernardo Hees, the former chief executive of hamburger rival Burger King Worldwide Inc (BKW.N).
"As a result of recent management changes at Heinz, we have decided to transition our business to other suppliers over time," McDonald's said in a statement.
"We have spoken to Heinz and plan to work together to ensure a smooth and orderly transition," said McDonald's, which has more than 34,000 restaurants around the globe.
Heinz declined to comment. "As a matter of policy, Heinz does not comment on relationships with customers," company spokesman Michael Mullen said.
The switch will be more apparent overseas than in the United States, as McDonald's only serves Heinz ketchup in two domestic markets - Pittsburgh and Minneapolis, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported on Friday.
Indeed, ketchup packages handed out at McDonald's restaurants in the United States often say only "fancy ketchup." Most in-store ketchup dispensers are not branded.
The move from McDonald's could benefit Heinz ketchup rivals Hunt's, owned by ConAgra Foods Inc (CAG.N), and Del Monte.
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and an investment fund affiliated with 3G Capital bought Heinz for $28 billion in June and immediately named Hees CEO.
Burger King went public in June 2012, less than two years after it was taken private by 3G Capital Management LLC, which retains a stake in the fast-food chain.
Burger King has been a Heinz customer for "decades" and uses its products in roughly 80 percent of markets around the world, spokesman Miguel Piedra told Reuters.
(Reporting by Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Alina Selyukh in Washington, D.C.; Editing by Leslie Adler)
Reuters) - World's biggest fast-food chain seeks new ketchup for its famous french fries.


I've been recently in Brazil for holiday,first stop was Rio, most incredibly city I've ever seen, the nature of the place is just amazing!

Many times we call a category of products by it brand leader, as the Kleeneks, Nutella, Chupa Chups. In this case I found interesting to share with you how they not only use the brand Xerox as a verb for print but it also takes the name of the copy shops...

Also with this picture we can percive the cost of a menwork...

ALGIDA FB PAGE ITALY-- Important to have a look at competition well done Lidel!

Algida e il caso Winner Taco su Facebook: i prosumer al potere!

Its long time that I wanted to enter into social media, but there are many cases in the net already. But since its quite some time I don't write now and were taking about this in the coffee this morning (grazie Gaia)... Just let the article self-explain but it is in Italian, so will just translate a bit the story.

Algida (Unilever) Italy, make a contest on its FB page to understand which is the product consumers would like them to relaunch. Winner was by far Winner Taco. Algida decided not to listen to its fans and launch another product. Fans only mention the name of Winner Taco in each post. And not only this, they are being creative to shout to the brand to give back their favorite Ice cream.

But this is not all, Lidel, the Germany Food retailer has took the oportunity and included in their portfolio for this summer a private label copy of winner Taco. Sales are going up with them! and fb users are even asking Algida to contact the producer of Lidel if the problem with them is production